GI Brides: The Wartime Girls who Crossed the Atlantic for Love

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American soldiers stationed in the UK came away winning more than just a war, they also won the hearts of young women across Britain. At the end of World War II, more than 70,000 GI brides followed the men they'd married – men they barely knew – to begin a new life in the United States. Meet four of these women:

Sylvia Bradley, a loyal, bright-eyed optimist

Rae Brewer, a resourceful, quick-witted tomboy

Margaret Boyle, an English beauty who faced down every challenge

Gwendolyn Rowe, a brave woman ahead of her time

Though all made the bold choice to leave family and the world they knew, the journey each experienced was unique – ranging from romantic to heartbreaking.

Fascinating and unforgettable, GI Brides pays homage to these brave women, propelled by love and hope, who embarked on an adventure that would change their lives.