Book Talk with Allegheny Arsenal

May 18, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center, 1832 Arboretum Drive, McKeesport, PA 15132

Pittsburgh’s Allegheny Arsenal served the nation through 5 wars between 1814 and 1926. It suffered a tragedy on September 17, 1862, that was the greatest single day loss of civilian life during the Civil War. Inside “The Allegheny Arsenal Handbook” is the history of Pittsburgh’s last federal military facility in stories, illustrations, maps, and photographs. Authors Tom Powers and Jim Wudarczyk from the Lawrenceville Historical Society will give a PowerPoint presentation followed by a question and answer session. Books will also be available for purchase at $20 each. Light refreshments will be provided and this event is free to attend. To register your seat, fill out the form below.

About the Authors/Presenters

Tom Powers — is president of the Lawrenceville Historical Society and editor of its newsletter. He holds an M.F.A. from Penn State University and is the principal author of the book, “Portrait of an American Community: O’Hara Township, PA” (2008).

Jim Wudarczyk — is a board member and former president of the Lawrenceville Historical Society. His first book on this subject, “Pittsburgh’s Forgotten Allegheny Arsenal,” was published in 1999. He writes widely on history and is the co-author of the Lawrenceville Historical Society’s three books.